HPC - Client
Third Wave Systems’ team of engineers are ready to provide simulation resources for any customer-supplied AdvantEdge or Production Module project using our high performance computing (HPC) cluster, which offers several hundred cores of computing power.

HPC Cluster Access
AdvantEdge FEM users can communicate with the HPC Cluster to submit simulations, cancel simulations, and monitor simulation status and progress through the TWS HPC Client. Users set up and mesh their AdvantEdge simulation on their local workstation. Simulations can be submitted directly to the cloud using the HPC Client. Users can monitor and interact with their simulations through the HPC Client.
Remote Job Monitoring
The TWS HPC Client provides control and flexibility when submitting, monitoring, and interacting with simulations on the cloud. The job queue within the HPC Client allows users to cancel simulations, manually update simulation progress, and easily access various files generated by simulations. Users can also access contour and time history plots for simulation zones that have been output by the processing. The HPC Client breaks down each job into tasks, which can be monitored to identify and solve any problems in the job submission and simulation starting process. The data on the HPC Cluster is stored at a centralized data storage location and the HPC Client can be used to easily access results.
Centralized Data Storage
The HPC environment is a multi-user, centralized computing and storage environment. Processing and computation is performed on a centralized set of computer processors. After processing, the simulation information may be stored on a centralized storage location. Centralized computing and storage allows for better classification of data through name tagging, better sharing of data within a multi-user organization, and easier scheduling and prioritizing of simulations within a multi-user organization.
Administrative Control
The administrator can manage the jobs on the HPC Cluster through Microsoft HPC Cluster Manager. Administrators can view, modify, copy, cancel, restart, and change the priority of any job that has been submitted through the HPC Client. Furthermore, administrators can easily check the status of the cluster information, including CPU usage, available physical memory (RAM), running jobs and network usage. Administrators can create reports such as cluster utilization, job throughput, job resource usage, job turnaround and node availability.
For more information on the HPC Client at Third Wave Systems, contact: [email protected]