Making Informed Decisions for Better Tool and Cutting Condition Selection

Workshop Schedule - April 21st, 2021 at 8:00 am CDT/3:00 pm CEST

                                    • Improve tool selection capabilities
                                    • Reduce tests necessary on your machine
                                    • Faster time-to-market

Finite Element Analysis of your machining process can help you achieve significant savings by reducing tool selection and tool design guesswork for evaluating new cutting tools and reducing machinability testing time on the shop floor for new alloys. This workshop will focus on Third Wave Systems’ machining-focused Finite Element Analysis (FEA) modeling software, AdvantEdge, to highlight how the temperature, stress, chip flow, forces, and chip morphology prediction can provide the understanding needed to make informed decisions about the tool and cutting condition selection. Attendees will gain an understanding of the fundamental technology that enables modeling of the non-linear behavior of metals due to deformation in a machining process.

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