Deliver Faster with Material-Specific Modeling Technology

New England Airfoil Products (NEAP), as part of their digital transformation, integrated Third Wave Systems’ suite of experimentally validated, material-specific modeling and simulation technology to drive New Product Introduction (NPI) and ongoing process improvement.

Benefits from this innovation include:

  • 50% reduction in machining time—increasing capacity and avoiding $800,000 in CapEx.
  • Improved surface finish and quality—dramatically reducing labor for hand finishing
  • Achievement of first-part-right through a 3x reduction in non-recurring programming time and elimination of machine trials and programming iterations

Why material-specific modeling technology?

See More. Know More.

Understand the whys of machining and components at a detailed level never seen before with material-based modeling and simulation. Know the temperature, the stress and track the in-process state of the part, all within theSiemens NX environment—before anything hits the line.

First-Time Right.

No more trial-and-error. An informed design-for-manufacturing process with a first-time-right focus means your team meets delivery dates with confidence.

Speed (to market).

Reducing non-recurring development in programming by 3X or more ensures a faster time to market and a larger share of business.

Why material-specific modeling technology?

First-Part-Right 3x Faster
Improved Quality
Programming Time Reduction  

Recent advances in material-based modeling and simulation technology has enabled more efficient machining of traditional metal turbine engine parts, leading to a 50% reduction in machining costs. For example, applying state-of-the-art modeling technology to traditional turbine engine manufacturing has enabled significant increases in cutting speed and feeds, longer tool life, all resulting in fewer manufacturing parts. Utilizing this virtual software testing environment has resulted in less downtime, removal of trial-and-error testing, and faster ramp up of new part production.

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